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24th International Mountain Balloon Competition in Krosno

40. Hot Air Balloon Championship of Poland

The only such May weekend in the country. A family balloon celebration. Relax on balloons in Krosno.

GZB Krosno tlo
GZB Krosno tlo 1

Invitaton 2024

1st May - 5th May 2024

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Education Images
Education Images

Balloons festival in Krosno

View of balloons over the city, fiesta for residents and tourists, morning and evening starts, night shows, live music, workshops, sports and... relaxation on the grass. Our city comes alive during the May weekend.

Mountain Balloon Competition in Krosno

Mountain Balloon Competition is a cyclical outdoor event organized in Krosno since 2001. It takes place during the May long weekend and attracts crowds of fans of ballooning and outdoor recreation.

Accompanying event - Balloons over Krosno

Attractions served by co-organizers - Regionalne Centrum Kultur Pogranicza, Urząd Miasta Krosna, MOSiR Krosno, Aeroklub Podkarpacki