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The Open Hearts Foundation Bogusława Nykiel-Ostrowska

The main organizer of the Mountain Balloon Competition in Krosno is the Open Hearts Foundation. Bogusława Nykiel-Ostrowska.

  • - The foundation's management initiated MBC in Krosno in 2001.
  • - MBC in Krosno has become a permanent feature of the long May weekend
  • - Thousands of guests, fans and ballooning enthusiasts come every year
  • - Dozens of concerts of nationwide stars over the years
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City of Krosno

Krosno is one of the most beautiful cities of ancient Galicia. It is also the cradle of many industries - an ideal place to learn about the history of glass industry and glass creation, full of memorabilia of the oil industry and its creators, memories of world-famous inventors and technology pioneers. The city, located on the Hungarian trade route, has been a center of crafts and trade for centuries. Today it captivates with the beauty of historic tenement houses, which we can admire while sitting in the café garden.

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Aeroklub Podkarpacki Szkoła Lotnicza w Krośnie

Aeroklub Podkarpacki – Szkoła Lotnicza w Krośnie to organizacja społeczna, która powstała 28 września 1945 roku. Aeroklub jest spadkobiercą pięknych tradycji wielu lotniczych pokoleń Polaków i pragnie wzbogacić te tradycje o nowe wartości. Dzięki zaangażowaniu społeczności lotniczej działalność Aeroklubu zdobyła wysokie uznanie w kraju i na arenie międzynarodowej.

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Regionalne Centrum Kultur Pogranicza w Krośnie

The Regional Center for Borderland Cultures is a local government cultural institution. It carries out tasks in the field of upbringing, education and dissemination of culture among children, youth and adults by organizing various forms of team participation in culture. RCKP also conducts international activities, especially aimed at border countries, in order to present and develop the culture of border nations and build intercultural dialogue.

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Miejski Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji w Krośnie

The object of the Center is to serve the local community by meeting its needs in the field of physical culture. The center organizes and conducts sports and physical recreation activities and conducts other activities commissioned by the Krosno Commune. The center covers its expenses directly from the budget of the Krosno Commune, and transfers the income obtained to the commune's income account. The real estate managed by the Center is the property of the Krosno Commune and has been placed under permanent management of the Center.