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Mechanik Krosno

Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych im. Stanisława Staszica w Krośnie

A vocational school with a tradition dating back to 1892. For many years it has been providing high-level education for the needs of local business entities and technical studies throughout the country..

GeMaRu Manuel Ruiz Trillo

GeMaRu Manuel Ruiz Trillo

Manufacturer of glass and wood products. It offers glass processing, wooden products, furniture production and furniture elements. Manuel Ruiz Trillo has been supporting the organizer for years by providing statuettes and gadgets for participants and sponsors of the competition.

Artis Hotel i Restauracja

"Artis" Hotel i Restauracja

Located in the town of Moderówka, between Krosno and Jasło. A unique place to set the ceremony. The restaurant and the Artis Hotel will meet all your expectations.


Krośnieński Portal Internetowy krosno24.pl

Internet portal that offers online broadcasts of GZB in Krosno.