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XVIII Mountain Balloon Competition Krosno - Invitation
Data dodania: 14.03.2017 12:03
If you wish to be included on the start list please send your application with the pilot's name and surname, ballon registration numbers and the confirmation of payment of the registration fee to:
Fundacja Otwartych Serc
im. Bogusławy Nykiel-Ostrowskiej
38-400 Krosno, ul. Staszica 6
e-mail. or
Applications without the confirmation of payment will be considered invalid.
Registration fee
The registation fee is payable to:
The Boguslawa Nykiel-Ostrowska Open Hearts Foundation,
38-400 Krosno, 6 Staszica Street (SWIFT)
BIC: INGBPLPW PL58 1050 1458 1000 0022 8442 0169
Please, give the information to the invoice:
- pilot and 2 crew members - 500 zlotych or the equivalent of this sum in Euro,
- pilot and 3 3 crew members - 700 zlotych or the equivalent of this sum in Euro.
The entrance fee includes:
- catering (early breakfast, breakfast, dinner) for teams of 3 or 4,
- gas for all the competition flights and night shows,
- maps for the pilot and the ground crew,
- attractive awards and gifts.
IMPORTANT! The entrance fee does not include accommodation. There are hotel rooms booked for the competitors by the Organizer. The allocation of the hotel rooms will be processed on a first come first served basis.